The woodchip train ran from just south of the town of Maryborough to the port of Gladstone a distance of about 260 km
one way but service was suspended in late 2005 due to exhaustion of the avaliable forrests The woodchip train was usualy
hauled by one or two electric 3900 class locos but in recent years diesels of the rebuilt 2300 class have taken over
the duties. Because woodchip has a high voulume to weight the wagons used to transport it have had high galvinised sides added.
The trains are usually driven by crews from Maryborough, unloaded by Gladstone crews and after a break driven back by
the Maryborough crews. The train makes an average of three round trips a week and it is common for the same locos to run the
train for weeks at a time.
After unloading at the Auckland Point loop the chippy with 2353 and 2170F as motive power has been stored in the
yard waiting to return south. The locos have been serviced and shut down next to a loaded ballast train with two 1720 class
locos on the front. Tuesday 20/11/01 10.20 pm

The Auckland Point port complex was the first of a series of modern port facilities in Gladstone. The woodchip stockpile
was the original bulk coal loading facility. This was then superseeded by the Barney Point facility. The wharf can been seen
to the right of the picture.Auckland Point also handles grain, general cargo, containers and fuel.

2353 + 2170F head the woodchip train north to Gladstone on Thursday 20/11/01 at 5.18 pm.