Sarina is located about 940 km north of Brisbane on the North Coast Line and thirty kilometers south of Mackay. A large town
which services the local cane industry and to a smaller extent the coal industry. Another major employer in the town is the
nearby rail depot at Jilallan which services the coal mines to the west.

2197F + 2192F coast down the grade into Sarina from the south at 15.05. Directly behind the
end of the train over the hill in the background in the Jilalan Depot for Q.R National's Newlands Line. In the photo below
you can see the sugar refinery in the shot of the train traveling away from the camera. Thursday 13/11/03.

2494H shunting the Sugar Mill at Sarina exchanging empties for loaded ethanol tankers. This traffic was transfered to
road transport in the 2005 crushing season and the wagons are stored in Mackay yard.
10.30 to 10.46. 30/11/04

The shunters have finished and are about to board the loco for a short ride back to the station. To the right you can see
the control stand the shunters use to operate the signals and points on the mainline.

A Mackay bound container freight passing through Sarina while a train from the north loaded with molassas for the mill is
split in half to be shunted.

2478H with 18 molasses wagons about five kilometers north of Sarina crossing a cane railway. 12.05 30/11/04

2478 pushing loaded molasses wagons around the tight curves into the mill.

This wagon smells a lot better than most