Frost's quarry is located close to Taragoogla Loop on the line from Gladstone to Monto that was constructed in 1910. The line
from the junction with the Moura Line to the siding at Taragoola was upgraded several years ago to allow larger road locos
to service the pit. The two products loaded at the loop are railway ballast and limestone that is used in the refining of
bauxite to alumina. The recent construction of a second alumina refinery in Gladstone has seen the construction of a longer
siding just to the west of the current crossing loop used to load product. Because there in nowhere to turn the loco diesel
1571H is given the task of pulling the limestone set because it is fitted with dual control stands. The series of photos below
were take when it was off for a overhaul so two locos back to back were assigned to this light train. The train usually runs
once a week and is stored in Gladstone station yard.

The train has just passed through the township of Calloipe on the Monto line and proceeds at a steady pace heading east towards

This snap shot was taken a little over a mile from the first one. I literaly jumped out of my car and took the photo.

The train arrives at the loop and proceeds to clear the eastern points.

The drivers mate unclips the points and rests on the lever as the train is reversed into the siding.

As soon as the locos uncoupled a front loader from the mine began to load the wagons.

Once the first wagon is loaded the locos are attached to the train.

With 2479H now leading the train heads back to Gladstone with a full load and a wave from the crew.

2486H with twelve loaded steel hoppers climbs Stowe Bank on its way back to Gladstone with a load of limestone for Queensland
Alumina Limited. 15.00 12/10/04
This is the usual standard train set for this service run several times a week.

The limestone train that hauls product to the Fishermans Landing plant for the Comalco Alumina Refinery passing through Calliope
at 06.54 28/09/04.
With 2143F and 2144F pulling thirty VLO wagons it was soon loading at the new siding a few hundred meters north of the
original at Taragoola.

Above and below.
The train finished loading at 08.30 and called for new train orders and changed its train number to 9LL2 and departed
about five minutes later with a gross weight of 2300 ton. It proceeded to Graham which is where the Monto Line departs the
Moura Line. It stopped to notify control then proceeded onto the Moura Line at 09.11.

The unloading pits in the Gladstone area are fitted with automated unloading equipment which means trains can only unload
in one direction and from one end. Most of the coal sets have signs stating Direction Of Travel with a large white arrow pointing
in the direction the train must move through the loader and unloader.
The unloader at Fisherman's Landing is no different so trains from Taragoola have to be turned if they are heading to
the plant to unload.
As I was driving towards Gladstone I could hear North Coast Control telling a northbound Y train that he would be coming
through Gladstone because 9LL2 would be using the Moura Line to South Gladstone and the driver seemed surprised he was getting
out of the road for a stone train.
I arrived at the overpass on the road to Queensland Alumina Limited that spans the (left to right in the photo)QAL branch,
MSL and NCL, soon after the diverted Y train headed by a 28 class loco passed by and about ten minutes later at 09.50 train
9LL2 descended the MSL into South Gladstone. It crossed over to the NCL and arrived in the loop at Gladstone Station at 10.05
and the crew had some smoko.

The Limestone train on the Fishermans Landing branch passing the points leading to the Comalco Alumina Refinery. 13.05 12/10/04