Bowen is located on the north coast of Queensland 1147km north of Brisbane. Famous for its produce like mangos and tomatoes
it is also boasts an export coal terminal serving mines in the hinterland. It is by no means a wealthy town and the once large
rail infrastructure has mostly disappeared.

This house backs onto the former jetty branch in Bowen proper and the occupants have made use of some of the old signals
used on the line. The line now only goes as far as the Xstrata coke works on the southern edge of the town. Feb 2005

The Xstrata coke works on the southern edge of the town supplies the firms smelter in Mt Isa with a regular supply shipped
in open top containers. By no means a large site it is a vital part of the local economy and is being refurbished by its new
owners. Feb 2005

The southbound tilt train pulls into Bowen station located 1146 km north of Brisbane about ten minutes behind schedule at
17.28. Easter Thursday the 8th, 2004.

After loading the front of the train the tilt pulls foreward to load the back of the train. Ten minutes later the tilt departed
for Brisbane at a casual pace along a straight and level track.

The tilt now with a clear road ahead passes the line to Abbots Point about 20 km north of Bowen. 10.13 Good Friday 2004.

4002 and 4020 lead an empty train off the branch to the port at Abbot's Point and on to the North Coast Line. 15.45 14/04/05

4027 + 4028 pull an empty coal train on the Newlands Line over the Bruce Highway after unloading at Point Abbot 12/04/05 7.14

A southbound QRN freight passing through Merinda Yard at 18.50. April 2005