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Carmila is located about one hundred kilometers south of the city of Mackay and sits between the Connors Range and the Coral Sea. Sugar cane production is the main economic factor that keeps the area going. The loop has recently been rebuilt and a new passenger platform constructed. The photos below were all taken on the 17th of May 2003.


The new platform built as part of the upgrade for the Diesel Tilt Train waits patiently for for it's next passenger train in this quiet country town.


Looking north from the platform we can see the bridge over the creek that forms the border of the town. The town once boasted a triangle to turn locos and a small yard to load wagons with sugar cane to be milled in Sarina. The green signal is for the train below which is the overnite goods from Brisbane.


Looking south from the platform we see the Mackay freight start to power up after pinching its speed back for a restriction just before the loop around 8:20 am.