Mackay Harbour may not be the bigest in the state but it still sees an interesting mix of trains.

2808 + 2846 (vehicle) with 30 wagons pull into Calen Loop at 10.06 to cross with 2197F + 22 empty sugar wagons at 10.46. The
crew had a bit of a laugh at the silly bugger standing in the rain taking photos but managed to give a big wave. Saturday

After discharging its load of sugar at Mackay 2197F and its train cross the diamond for the 610mm cane tramway after crosing
the above train. One of several on the line between Mackay and Proserpine this one has a 60 km/h speed limit and is about
one kilometer north of Calen Loop. 2197F continued north and once again it stopped at Yalboroo down home signal so it wouldn't
block the level crossing at 10.25. Saturday 15/11/03.

2196F and 33 wagons passing the 1025 km mark between Yalboroo and Calen on its way south to Mackay. 11.03 Friday 14/11/03

2830 + 2309 halted at the down home signal at Yalboroo at 12.58 for an impending cross. It halted here so it wouldn't block
the level crossing in the middle of the loop for a long period of time. Friday 14/11/03

The southbound train arrived at 13.11 and 2830 started into the loop and the cross was completed five minutes later and the
train powered north passing through Proserpine at 14.33 and Bowen at 15.15. Friday 14/11/03